TUM Community
TUM Community
Come back to the campus

Events for the TUM family

Come back to your Alma Mater and visit one of the alumni events

Photo: FatCamera - iStockphoto.com.

Alumni of TUM

The circle of Alumni of TUM includes all those who have graduated from the Technical University of Munich. This includes bachelor students as well as habilitated students. They remain connected to their alma mater for a lifetime.

Alumni Stories

Mentoring-Tandem Andreas Talg and Ángela Párraga

“In the Future, Learning Will Be Virtual”

Mentee Ángela Párraga not only worked on her career planning and curriculum vitae with TUM Alumni Andreas Talg. In cooperation with the expert, she also drove forward the virtual learning offers of an international corporation.

TUM Mentoring-Tandem Dr. Viktoria Leonhard und Jule Schneider

„Von meiner Mentorin kann ich mir so viel abschauen“

Ihre Mentoring-Beziehung ist geprägt von einer großen Begeisterung füreinander. Wenn die eine erzählt, überträgt die andere die Erfahrungen auf das eigene Leben – und nimmt dabei immer etwas für sich mit. Der Austausch zwischen Dr. Viktoria Leonhard und Jule Schneider zeigt, wie beide – Mentorin und Mentee – voneinander lernen können.

Donor and Honorary Senator Farhad Farassat

“We Knew That We Could Find a Solution Together”

Farhad Farassat immediately after his studies established his own company, which soon became the market leader for microwelding equipment used in chip manufacturing. Today, around 40 years later, he is using the proceeds from the sale of his company to support students at TUM through the Deutschlandstipendium.

Mentoring tandem Elena Simperl and Phillip Schneider

“I Learned That Research Is a Team Sport”

As a mentee, Phillip Schneider received decisive professional and personal support from his mentor Elena Simperl. In fact, the mentorship resulted in a joint publication – and in Phillip Schneider's desire to become a mentor himself.

Mentoring Tandem Tsvetana Marinova and Samiddha Mukherjee

“Ours Is an Extraordinary Friendship”

It's a match on all counts: Mentor Tsvetana Marinova and mentee Samiddha Mukherjee are indeed a perfect team. The two TUM Alumnae have developed a friendship that goes far beyond a conventional mentorship. Together, they are now launching an event series at TUM.

Podcast with TUM Alumna Dr. Viktoria Leonhard (in German)

“To Lead Well, You Have to Like People”

The job entry has been successfully completed and now you can move on. How do you get your first management position? What qualifications are crucial? What does the daily routine of a manager look like? And is leadership actually fun?

Climate Protection Activist Alexander Eichberger

“I Used to Have Completely Different Values”

TUM Alumni Alexander Eichberger used to be a successful entrepreneur. Virtually overnight, he became a climate protection activist. He sold his company and has since volunteered in climate protection.

Social Media

@tum.alumni is now on Instagram

On Instagram, the TUM community from all over the world connects with each other. This is where alumni stories and memories of TUM come to life.

Picture: Pexels/Kerde Severin.


Meetup für TUM Gründerinnen und Gründer


Das Meetup bringt aufstrebende und erfahrene Gründerinnen und Gründer zusammen, um sich (virtuell) zu treffen, Erfahrungen über Lessons Learned auszutauschen, zu diskutieren und zusammenzuarbeiten.

TUM Alumni Get-Together in the Hamburg area

Leisure Event

Look forward to a relaxed exchange with TUM Alumni in the greater Hamburg area

Meetup for Self-Employed Women of TUM

Leisure Event,Other

This meetup brings together freelancers and solopreneurs to exchange experiences, ideas and to network.

Portrait picture of Boson Stefan Liu and Xing Ye.

Picture: Magdalena Jooß/TUM.

Music connects people and cultures!

TUM alumna Xing Ye introduces you here to the sound of the pipa, the plucked shell-necked lute of classical Chinese music.

Benefits for Alumni

As a TUM Alumni you remain a valuable part of TUM’s worldwide network after your graduation and have the opportunity to benefit from the wide range of services offered by your Alma Mater.

Picture: giphy.com

Alumni Newsletter

Do you want to be kept up to date about events and offers for alumni?

Then register for the alumni newsletter “TUM Updates”.

The Career Service offers career advice for students, doctoral candidates and alumni (Image: Alexander Gerner/TUM)

Career Counseling

Our Career Service offers professional advice and support in career planning: Career Webinars, Online Application Documents Check, TUM Jobportal and personal advice. A life-long service for all alumni.

Picture: Rawpixel.com - shutterstock

Online Community Forum

The Community Forum is the virtual home of the TUM Family. Here, alumni can find their former fellow students and establish contact again. They can set up an alumni group, maintain their contact details or apply for an alumni e-mail address. Newsletter subscriptions can also be updated here.

Picture: Verena Schmöller/TUM

Alumni Magazine KontakTUM
Get to know visionary alumni and experts in various fields of science and business and learn how they achieved their success.

The alumni magazine is dedicated to different main topics – the focus is always on the individual lives and achievements of TUM alumni.

Picture. Magdalena Jooss/TUM

Alumni Jubilee

You have graduated from TUM 25, 50 or 60 years ago with a diploma or doctorate? Then we would like to invite you to celebrate your Silver, Golden or Diamond Jubilee with us.

Continuing Education Programs

Picture: canva-Studio-pexels.com

Learn online with MOOCs

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are interactive online courses that are accessible worldwide and free of charge.


Programs for professionals and executives at TUM

Picture: fizkes-iStockphoto.com

Programs for professionals and executives at TUM

Through its Executive & Professional Education, the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning offers a wide range of scientifically based programs for the further education of experts and executives.

The TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning offers a wide range of part-time Certificate programs for leaders, experts and professionals

Bild: Robert-Kneschke-Fotolia.com

Certificate Programs

The TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning offers a wide range of part-time Certificate programs for leaders, experts and professionals from business, science and society at all stages of their career.

Alumni Commitment
The TUM family lives through the mutual support of its members. As TUM Alumni, you share your professional and personal experiences, organize alumni meetings and act as role models for students and doctoral candidates. This creates a lively exchange.
Room for rent?

Do you have an apartment to rent? Why not support the next generation at TUM and rent out your property to students or members of the TUM family? With TUM Living, TUM has been offering its members its own free housing portal since August. Renters can post and manage their ads there themselves and directly contact TUM members.

Picture: zanarinlara/Fotolia.

Alumni Groups

The TUM family lives through the mutual support of its members. As TUM Alumni, you share your professional and personal experiences, organize alumni meetings, and act as role models for students and doctoral candidates. This creates a lively exchange.

In Sydney, they invite you to a BBQ: Barbara Daxenberger (B. Sc. Mathematics 2010) hosted the second "Dine Around the World" event in Sydney. In sunshine and blue skies, TUM alumni met with families at Coogee Beach and dined under the TUM anniversary balloons (Photo: Barbara Daxenberger).

Founding an alumni group

Regional networking works particularly well when alumni are active locally and take on the organization of alumni meetings themselves.

A combination of informal get-togethers and one or two special events per year has proven successful. The latter can be a joint visit to a theater or concert or a guided tour of an alumni’s workplace.

Some regional alumni groups meet as part of social activities, for example to collect donations for the construction of a playground, or to promote studying at TUM in German or international schools.

Make visible an already existing alumni group:
Make yourself known as the contact person for your local group so alumni in your area can find you. You can also start a group in the online community – the easiest way to communicate with each other.

Notify us of your dates so that we can inform interested alumni in your area.

Bringing a regional alumni network to life:
Your alumni network will be particularly active if you organize regular get-togethers where members can meet and exchange ideas. You can also take trips or participate in community events together. You can post photos and reports from meetings in the online community so that other alumni groups can be inspired by your activities.

Further Alumni Initiatives

In 2002 TUM established the first foreign branch of a German university in Singapore: the German Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) – TUM Asia Pte. Ltd., a private enterprise subsidiary of TUM.

Facebook Link TUM Asia Alumni Network

The special feature of the DCAN network is that people with complementary needs are brought together. Germans who are preparing for a stay in China or are interested in China, and Chinese who are currently visiting Germany.

Board members

Ms. Ying Huang, 1st board member (TUM Business Administration)

Dr. Yang Ji, 2nd board member (TUM Construction GEO Environment)

Members of the extended board

Stefan Liu (DCAN Web Presence)

Yidi Zhao (Photographer)

Contact: ji@tum.de

Picture: Uli Benz/TUM
