Portrait photo of TUM Alumna Marwa El Hefnawy.

Photo: Marwa El Hefnawy.

Alumni in digitalization
Podcast with TUM Alumna Marwa El Hefnawy
“Your Personal Skills Are Important, Too”
01. Jan 2023  |  
Reading time Min.
For anyone moving from academia to an industrial company, it is essential to understand how personnel selection procedures work in industry and what qualifications are particularly valued here. What skills have I acquired during my studies and doctorate that could also be important for work in industry? And how do I convince my potential employer that I’m not an ivory tower scientist?

TUM Alumna Dr. Marwa El Hefnawy knows the answers: After successfully completing her doctorate at TUM, she has already brought her talents and knowledge to bear very successfully in various international companies in Germany. In this episode of “That’s my Job,” she shares her experiences.

In this episode, TUM career expert Anke Graf explains what you should keep in mind when designing your CV to apply for an industry job.