Silver, Golden and Diamond Jubilee

Diploma & Doctorate

All alumni who completed their diploma or doctorate at TUM 25, 50 or 60 years ago will be celebrated.

Nobel laureate Prof. Dr. Erwin Neher celebrated his 50th doctoral anniversary at TUM.

Picture: Magdalena Jooß/TUM.

Jubilee 2024

All jubilarians who gratuated in 1999, 1974 and 1964 and who are registered in the TUM Community will be contacted by us by e-mail or post by spring 2024.

The celebrations will take place on Saturday, October 12, 2024 at the TUM Campus Garching.

⇒ If you have not yet been contacted by us, please send us a message to

Picture: Photogenika/TUM

Graduation Anniversary 60 Years

Diamond Jubilee

The Diamond Jubilee will be celebrated in 2024 by diploma and doctoral graduates of the year 1964.

There are currently only waiting list places available.

Golden jubilees at the 2022 celebrations (Picture: Photogenika/TUM).

Graduation Anniversary 50 Years

Golden Jubilee

The Golden Jubilee will be celebrated in 2024 by diploma and doctoral graduates of the year 1974.

There are currently only waiting list places available.

Some silver jubilees met again on campus after a long time (Picture: Magdalena Jooss/TUM).

Graduation Anniversary 25 Years

Silver Jubilee

In 2024 we are looking forward to honouring the Silver diploma and doctoral graduates of the year 1999.

There are currently only waiting list places available.

Silber Jubilare bei der Jubiläumsfeier im Juli 2022
Video of the Silver and Golden Jubilee celebrations in July 2022

Impressions of the Anniversary Celebrations 2023

All diploma and doctoral graduates were ceremoniously presented with an honorary certificate by the University President’s Office during the festive event on Saturday, October 14, 2023.

These alumni were anniversaries of the past years

Microbiologist Karl-Otto Stetter

“I Didn't Want a Secret Curiosity Shop“

Karl-Otto Stetter is recognized as a pioneer in the study of primeval life. His unabated desire to explore led him to the most remote regions in the world. Whether it is about rare and novel microbes or exotic orchids, the TUM Alumni is always sharing his findings with the world.

TUM Alumni Celebrations

Jubilee Video

Alumni who completed their diploma or doctorate at TUM 25, 50 or 60 years ago receive an honorary certificate from the University President's Office at the annual anniversary ceremonies and celebrate their reunion on the TUM Campus.

Geoinformaticist Jürgen Schopp

“It Was Always about My Abilities Here, Not My Impairment”

For many years, TUM alumnus Jürgen Schopp was focused on proving that, despite his hearing impairment, he could succeed in the hearing world. Time and again, people he encountered recognized his potential. Schopp’s expertise in the field of geographical information ultimately led to his appointment to a leadership position.

TUM Honorary Senator Robert Schmucker

“I Am Grateful for My Life”

Robert Schmucker is one of the very few rocket experts in the world who has worked with so many different types of rockets. Precisely this wide range is what is important to him. Professionally, he has always been demanding, but privately in contrast, he is rather modest. This makes his commitment all the greater.

Ministerialdirigent ret. Wolfram Ruhenstroth-Bauer

“My Motivation Was to Help People”

For almost forty years, TUM Alumni Wolfram Ruhenstroth-Bauer advocated for refugee and development aid. His commitment far exceeded any official duties and was highly decorated. For him, it was simply humanity at work.

Alumni Donors Evelyn Albrecht-Goepfert and Arnd Albrecht

“We Each Hold the Future in Our Hands”

Evelyn Albrecht-Goepfert and Arnd Albrecht, who are private donors of the TUM University Foundation today, met at Campus Garching during their studies. At TUM they both learnt to consistently put their visions into action.

IN MEMORIAM: TUM Honorary Senator and University Donor Gallus Rehm

“I Am Grateful to TUM by Conviction”

TUM Alumni Gallus Rehm dedicated his life to the art of Civil Engineering with unabated curiosity and fascination. With his innovative ideas he has made a significant contribution to the reputation of his alma mater. In August 2020, Gallus Rehm passed away at the age of 95.

Contact Alumni Anniversary Celebrations

Eva Willkomm

Picture: Photogenika/TUM

Eva Willkomm

+49 89 289 22132