Professor Chigbu in front of the Namibia University of Science and Technologie
Professor Chigbu in front of the Namibia University of Science and Technologie
TUM alumnus Uchendu Eugene Chigbu is now applying his international expertise in how rural areas in Africa could be developed

Picture: private

TUM Alumni around the world

TUM is international: 41 percent of students currently come from abroad. Exchange between cultures and mutual learning from one another is a top priority at our university. This is how we develop ideas and launch innovations. Many alumni are active outside of Germany and are shaping the world of tomorrow around the globe with their experiences and ideas.

Cancer Researcher Prof. Dr. Poul Sorensen

“What Has Always Driven Me Is the Urge to Make New and Impactful Discoveries”

TUM Ambassador Professor Dr. Poul Sorensen had already achieved significant breakthroughs in childhood cancer research when he came to Munich from Vancouver for a collaborative research project with TUM scientists. Since then, he has been collaborating with TUM researchers to develop more and better medications for children with cancer.

Mechanical Engineering Expert Hans Ingo Weber

“My Career Is Entirely Built on the Fertile Ground of Kurt Magnus' Institute” 

A DAAD scholarship led Hans Ingo Weber from Brazil to Munich in 1968 to TUM, where he pursued his PhD under the guidance of renowned professor Kurt Magnus, a pioneer in mechatronics. This period not only shaped his academic career but also led to unforgettable experiences and lasting friendships.

TUM Ambassador Marta C. Antonelli

“My Hope Is, That My Research Could Help People”

TUM Ambassador Dr. Marta Antonelli is the leading researcher at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council in Argentina and an internationally recognized top scientist in the field of neurochemistry. In 2016, she came to Munich for a research collaboration and has since been working with TUM scientists to help expectant mothers under stress and their unborn children.

Ambassdor Chong Hock

“We Must Enable Our Best Talents to Develop Solutions for the Future”

In the 1990s, Chong Hock Lee from Singapore studied mechanical engineering at TUM. T Despite completing a number of internships in the field, his post-university career path did not lead him into the automotive industry but into the world of politics. In August 2023, Chong Hock Lee became Singapore’s ambassador to Germany.

Donor and Honorary Senator Farhad Farassat

“We Knew That We Could Find a Solution Together”

Farhad Farassat immediately after his studies established his own company, which soon became the market leader for microwelding equipment used in chip manufacturing. Today, around 40 years later, he is using the proceeds from the sale of his company to support students at TUM through the Deutschlandstipendium.

The President in Singapore

“True Progress Is Only Possible When Different Perspectives Come Together”

At the beginning of July, TUM President Prof. Dr. Thomas F. Hofmann went to Singapore and met TUM alumni there. We took the trip as an opportunity to talk to him about his international experiences as a scientist and university leader and the global TUM Community.

Professor Uchendu Eugene Chigbu

“A Well-Written and Implemented Good Idea Can Improve People's Lives”

TUM Alumni was born in a rural town in Nigeria. Already as a teenager, he was concerned about how rural areas could be developed further and the lives of the local people improved. To learn more about this subject from an international luminary in this field, he went to TUM in Munich for his master's, a doctorate and to be a postdoctoral researcher.

TUM Ambassador Professor Muriel Médard (Picture: Lillie Paquette)

TUM Ambassadors

Our ambassadors in science

The TUM Ambassadors are renowned international guest scientists who feel a special connection to TUM – like Professor Muriel Medard. She is regarded worldwide as a pioneer in network coding. With original algorithms, the MIT professor of electrical engineering solved a fundamental problem in current decoding practice. She developed a chip that can decode any code.

Successful around the World 

Picture: Smart Dharma.

Insights from Mumbai

TUM Alumna Snehat Munhol is driving the development of a sustainable future.

Picture: Hannes Geipel.

Insights from Brussels

TUM Alumna Diana Schneider introduces design thinking to German companies.

Shape your global career

TUM provides comprehensive support for your international career start:

  • Job research in German foreign labor markets
  • Preparation of application documents for Germany and abroad
  • Contacting TUM Alumni with international experience
  • International internships


TUM Alumni Himanshu Panandikar in the podcast studio (Picture: Daniel Fürg).

A career in Germany

TUM Alumnus Himanshu Panandikar talks in the podcast about how he managed to enter the German job market after his studies and what he particularly appreciates about his German colleagues.

Picture: #tumcommunityfriday on Instagram

Join us for TUM Community Friday!

Every Friday, we post your greetings to the international TUM family under the hashtag #tumcommunityfriday on the TUM Community Instagram channel. We look forward to your contribution!


TUM Career Guide: Online now!

Now the book is available digitally – with everything you need to know for a successful application and career start. 

Content on topics such as analyzing strengths and weaknesses, finding jobs, drafting a resume and cover letter, mastering interviews, and much more is also still available as a hard copy. Get your university’s official application guide at the Alumni & Career office, Richard-Wagner-Straße 3, 4th floor (Mon – Fri, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.)


Alumni Magazine KontakTUM

KontakTUM Magazine is published twice annually and is available in both German and English as a download or in printed form. On about 70 pages, each issue of the alumni magazine is dedicated to a different topic – always focusing on the individual lives and achievements of our TUM Alumni.

Current Issue

Shaping the World together
The current KontakTUM devotes 68 pages to the topic of “Shaping the World together”.

The current issue is about how TUM Alumni are working together all over the world and shaping the future through international collaborations. Among other things, you can read interviews with Chong Hock Lee, Singapore’s new ambassador to Germany, and Dr. Amelie Schoenenwald, ESA astronaut in reserve.

In the interview, TUM President Thomas F. Hofmann talks about his recent visit to Singapore, formative experiences as a young scientist, and TUM’s global university community. And in our photo gallery you will find pictures of our alumni’s stays abroad from 1973 to today.

Articles from this issue

Bild: TUM Asia.

The President in Singapore

In early July, TUM President Prof. Thomas F. Hofmann traveled to Singapore, where he met and exchanged ideas with TUM Alumni.

Silke Maurer

Picture: Astrid Eckert/TUM.

Interview with Silke Maurer

The alumna is a manager with heart and soul. Leading teams all over the world, from Spain to China, has had a lasting impact on her view of leadership.

Picture: Private.

Interview with Uchendu Eugene Chigbu

His doctorate and postdoctoral period at TUM had a significant impact on him. Today, the TUM Alumnus works as a professor for fair land use in Africa.

Picture: TUM Asia.

Interview with Chong Hock Lee

In the 1990s, Singaporean Chong Hock Lee studied Mechanical Engineering at TUM. Since August 2023, he has been the new ambassador for Singapore in Germany.

Picture: Alexander Gerner/TUM.

Interview with Farhad Farassat

His company changed microwelding worldwide. Today, Dr. Farhad Farassat supports students at TUM.

Dr. Amelie Schoenenwald

Picture: Magdalena Jooß/TUM.

Dreams are attainable

Dr. Amelie Schoenenwald is qualified as an astronaut thanks to her international work experience. She could soon be flying into space.

Impressions from the TUM family

Silver jubilees at the the anniversary celebrations 2022. (Picture: Magdalena Jooss/TUM).

Graduation ceremony 25 and 50 years

The film about the TUM jubilee celebrations in the summer of 2022

TUM Magazines

Faszination Forschung

The magazine “Faszination Forschung” offers interesting insights into the world of research at our university and highlights the latest scientific achievements.


University Magazine TUMcampus

The magazine informs about campus life, university policy, teaching and science and the people who are making TUM what it is. 


Picture: Uli Benz/TUM


(Picture: Magdalena Jooß)

Dr. Sabrina Eisele

KontakTUM Editorial Team

+49 89 289 22563

Newsletter for TUM-Alumni

New, inspiring alumni stories and current event information specially selected for you by the editorial team: with the “TUM Updates” newsletter you will always stay informed.

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