Portrait picture of TUM alumnus Heinz Höreth.

Photo: Heinz Höreth.

Alumni in leadership
Podcast with TUM Alumni Heinz Höreth (in German language)
“The Motivator Should Not Be Money First and Foremost”
05. May 2023  |  
Reading time Min.
Salary negotiation is part of professional life: at the first job, after the end of the probationary period or after years in the company. Nobody doesn’t want to sell themselves short, but what does that mean exactly? How can we prepare the salary negotiation and how do we react when the boss says “no”?

TUM Alumni Heinz Höreth  studied electrical engineering and information technology at TUM, worked for many years in management and personnel consulting, and has guided generations of specialists and managers to success. He also has many years of his own experience as a manager and employer. Heinz Höreth has already passed on his experience 16 times as a mentor in the TUM Mentoring by Alumni for Students program and was awarded the Golden TUM Badge of Honor for this. In this episode of “That’s my Job,” he shares with us the best tips for successful salary negotiation and tells us which pitfalls to avoid at all costs.

In this episode, TUM career expert Claus Schultze-Rhonhof explains how best to determine your market value