Picture: Robert Kneschke - adobestock

Career Advice
Start Your Job Right
How to Get Your Career off to a Good Start
24. May 2023  |  
Reading time Min.
Well done! You’ve written convincing applications and attended a number of job interviews. You may have even received several job offers that sparked your interest. In truth, it can sometimes be difficult to choose between them. It could feel as though you’re spoiled for choice.
How to get your career off to a good start

Picture: andrea-piacquadio-pexels.com

Discover the following topics in this article:

  • Employment contracts
  • Starting a career in Germany: Two TUM Alumni talk about their job entry
  • A good start: The first days in your new job
  • Relaxed through the probation period
  • TUM Career Expert tips: Stay open to opportunities
  • From engineer to board member: Four TUM Alumnae share what drives them forward in their careers

If you’re not sure which offer to accept, take a look at the Career Guide Tip “Which job is right for you” and the career profile you drew up. Think back what your aims were when you started looking for a job. What matters to you most in your future job? Do you have particular strengths you want to apply? Which skills do you want to develop and refine? Certain offers might be better suited to achieving these goals than others.

Consult your network and speak with your mentors about the options open to you. It’s helpful to have someone who knows you well and is also able to assess the jobs market. You’re always welcome to get in touch with the careers experts at TUM Alumni & Career.

Picture of the new edition of the TUM Career Guide.

TUM Career Guide: New edition

Read more about starting your career!

TUM Career Guide

A handbook for TUM Students and Alumni to design their career in industry.


Pick up your free hardcover at our office!

Check out our career events for more input on how to shape your career: www.community.tum.de/events

Career Advice, Career Guide,