Know yourself - Which job is right for you? TUM Career Guide

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Career Advice
Know yourself
Which Job Is Right for You?
24. May 2023  |  
Reading time Min.
Have you recently graduated with a bachelor’s or master’s degree? Maybe you’ve been awarded your PhD? After a milestone like this, it’s time to think about what comes next. While some of your classmates might already have a crystal-clear vision of their path after university, others won’t have the faintest idea. So, what are your plans?

Picture: Söralex -

Discover the following topics in this article:

  • Discover your skills
  • Set up a skills profile
  • What are your skills good for?
  • Know your strengths – Four alumni share what they found out
  • Bachelor and now Master?
  • Start your own business
  • The crowning glory: a PhD
  • Your first job is no one-way street
  • Three alumni explain how they found their job

Entering the world of work will certainty feel like a big step. That’s only natural, as school and university will have dominated your life for at least around 17 years of your life. You now face a period of transition that entails considerable cultural adjustment and changes to your social roles.

However, this transition can also be hugely enjoyable. A whole new world lies ahead of you, and the opportunity to realize your potential in a very different way. Especially at the beginning of your career, the possibilities are endless: you will have plenty of opportunities to try out new things and question the old. Our message to you is clear: enjoy this special time and make the most of it!

Picture of the new edition of the TUM Career Guide.

TUM Career Guide: New edition

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TUM Career Guide

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