Stories from the TUM Community

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Alumni doing research (89)
Doctorate at TUM (83)
Alumni commitment (70)
Alumni in leadership (58)
Alumni international (58)
Young talents (56)
Alumni with distinction (44)
Alumni in sustainability (29)
Alumni in digitalization (21)
Alumni giving back (16)
Alumni creative (11)
Alumni and space (11)
Career Advice (11)
In memoriam (10)
Alumni athletes (10)
TUM Families (8)
Alumni Nobel Laureates (6)
Unicorn (6)
Alumni doing politics (4)
Objects of TUM (1)
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Women of TUM (98)
Alumni founders (62)
Alumni Mentors (43)
TUM Ambassadors (27)
Bund der Freunde (23)
TUM Emeriti of Excellence (18)
TUM Jubilees (17)
TUM Research Alumni (6)
TUM Entrepreneur of Excellence (4)
TUM Honorary Senators (4)
TUM Asia (4)
CDTM-Alumni (1)
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TUM School of Engineering and Design (84)
TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology (61)
TUM School of Natural Sciences (35)
TUM School of Management (30)
TUM School of Life Sciences (28)
TUM School of Medicine (9)
TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology (3)
Department of Sport and Health Sciences (2)
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TUM Alumni in Europa (212)
TUM Alumni in North America (20)
TUM Alumni in Asia (16)
TUM Alumni in South America (10)
TUM Alumni in Afrika (4)
TUM Alumni in Australia (1)


Alumni Story (223)
KontakTUM (15)
Interview (13)
Biografie (9)
Career Guide (6)
Podcast (4)
Video (4)
Obituaries (1)
Blog (1)
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Alumni founders
TUM Ambassador Muriel Médard.

TUM Ambassador Muriel Médard

“I Am a Pathological Optimist”

TUM Ambassador Iris Tommelein
Alumni doing research

TUM Ambassador Iris Tommelein

Noelle Selin TUM Ambassador 2024
Alumni doing research

TUM Ambassador Noelle Selin

TUM Ambassador 2024 Henrik Selin
Alumni doing research

TUM Ambassador Henrik Selin

TUM Ambassador Jonathan Veinot
Alumni doing research

"I am a Fan of TUM"

TUM Ambassadors Noelle and Henrik Selin on a hike in the Alps.
Alumni doing research

“We are a mutual source of inspiration”

TUM Alumna and AI Researcher Leonie Wagner at the start-up Jua.
Alumni doing research

“It wasn't always easy, but it paid off”

TUM Alumnus Dan Gordon.
Alumni international

“For me, the Reinheitsgebot is a religion”

Portrait photo of Johann Deisenhofer.
Alumni doing research

"As a Scientist, You Never Know Everything, But You Are Always Discovering New Things"

TUM Ambassador Ramona Vogt
Alumni doing research

TUM Ambassador Ramona Vogt

TUM Ambassador Andreas Kronfeld
Alumni doing research

TUM Ambassador Andreas Kronfeld

TUM Ambassador Poul Sorensen.
Alumni doing research

“What Has Always Driven Me Is the Urge to Make New and Impactful Discoveries”

Porträtaufnahme von TUM Ambassador J. Tinsley Oden.
In memoriam

TUM Ambassador J. Tinsley Oden