Q&A: Working in Germany


TUM Alumni & Career and amiga show you how both institutions support TUM students&alumni in getting their careers started in Germany.

Berufliche Neuorientierung zielgerichtet planen und umsetzen


In diesem Webinar beschäftigen wir uns mit Gründen bzw. Auslösern, warum eine berufliche Veränderung sinnvoll sein kann.

Interview Clinics


Nervous about job interviews? The Interview Clinics gives all participants the opportunity to learn from their peers in mock interviews.

From Doctorate to Industry


In this webinar successful TUM Alumni present their job description and career path online and answer your questions.

Q&A: Starting a Career in Germany


Join us for a Q&A with TUM Alumni Kiran Singaram Krishan on how to start a career in Germany.

Foto: Alexander Gerner / TUM
Foto: Alexander Gerner / TUM
Waiting list available
23 Jan

CV Check - Live on Zoom | 10.00am - 10.20am


Discuss your CV in detail with a career expert via Zoom.

Foto: Alexander Gerner / TUM
Foto: Alexander Gerner / TUM
Waiting list available
23 Jan

CV Check - Live on Zoom | 10.20am - 10.40am


Discuss your CV in detail with a career expert via Zoom.

Foto: Alexander Gerner / TUM
Foto: Alexander Gerner / TUM
Waiting list available
23 Jan

CV Check - Live on Zoom | 10.40am - 11.00am


Discuss your CV in detail with a career expert via Zoom.

Foto: Alexander Gerner / TUM
Foto: Alexander Gerner / TUM
Waiting list available
23 Jan

CV Check - Live on Zoom | 11.00am - 11.20am


Discuss your CV in detail with a career expert via Zoom.

Foto: Alexander Gerner / TUM
Foto: Alexander Gerner / TUM
Waiting list available
23 Jan

CV Check - Live on Zoom | 11.20am - 11.40am


Discuss your CV in detail with a career expert via Zoom.

Foto: Alexander Gerner / TUM
Foto: Alexander Gerner / TUM
Waiting list available
23 Jan

CV Check - Live on Zoom | 11.40am - 12.00pm


Discuss your CV in detail with a career expert via Zoom.

Application Photo Shooting

Miscellaneous,TUM Campus Garching

Application Photo Shooting. Participation places are limited!

Career Service To Go

Counseling,TUM Campus Garching

Quick 5-10 minute career counseling: Bring your burning career question.

Challenging Applications


This webinar will provide you with new ideas and tips to overcome these obstacles.

Bild: Eigene Darstellung
Bild: Eigene Darstellung
Waiting list available
23 Jan

TNG Technology Consulting GmbH


TNG Technology Consulting GmbH is a partnership-organized, values-driven management consultancy with a focus on high-end information technology.

Foto: canva.com
Foto: canva.com
Waiting list available
23 Jan

Holidu GmbH


Holidu is one of the fastest-growing travel tech companies worldwide.

Maiwald GmbH


Law firm for intellectual property with 260 employees in Munich and Düsseldorf.

Foto: canva.com
Foto: canva.com
Waiting list available
23 Jan

Reply Deutschland SE


Reply specializes in the development and introduction of solutions based on new communication channels and digital media.

Career Lounge: Berufseinstieg im Consulting | Career Day

Panel Discussion/Forum,Online

In dieser Veranstaltung berichten Alumni der TUM über das Berufsfeld Consulting und geben Tipps aus erster Hand. Erfahren Sie, welche Fähigkeiten und Qualifikationen in der Consulting-Branche besonders gefragt sind und welche Karrierewege...

Forum Berufseinstieg

Panel Discussion/Forum,Online

Wir laden Young Alumni in Ihrem ersten Berufsjahr ein, sich mit anderen Berufseinsteigern auszutauschen.

Convincing CVs for PhD students and Postdocs


In this webinar you will learn different ways to present your skills and experiences in a convincing way.

Leadership Skills. Meine neue Rolle als Führungskraft


In diesem interaktiven Webinar gewinnen Sie Einblick in die vielschichtige Welt moderner Führung.

Teamwork - Erfolgsfaktoren für die Zusammenarbeit im Beruf


In unserem Webinar erhalten Sie Hinweise dazu, wie Sie zukünftig souverän mit unterschiedlichen Charakteren umgehen und Ihre Fähigkeiten im Team gezielt einbringen können.

Your First Work Contract: What You Need to Know


This webinar will provide you with lots of information about your rights and also your duties in your first job.

Starting from Scratch as a Scientist: Breaking New Ground and Building Your Own Path


In her online talk, Dr. Zlata Gvozdenov will speak about her journey in establishing an independent venture, share her experiences, and provide practical advice to the Women of TUM community.

Cover Letters for Doctoral Candidates and Postdocs


Join our webinar to learn how to showcase your research of course but also other important achievements effectively.

The Perfect CV for your Application in Germany


In this webinar you will get an overview of the documents needed for a successful application

Assessment Center: Erwartungen & Überzeugungstipps


In diesem Webinar erhalten Sie detaillierte Einblicke in den Aufbau und Ablauf typischer Assessment Center.

Convincing Cover Letters for Applications in Germany


In this webinar we will focus on carefully analyzing job ads and wording authentic and convincing cover letters.

Interview Clinics


Nervous about job interviews? The Interview Clinics gives all participants the opportunity to learn from their peers in mock interviews.

Job Coaching for Engineers


In this session you’ll gain valuable insights and personalized advice to help you navigate the German job market.

Potenzialanalyse & Profilbildung für Ihr Personal Branding


In diesem Webinar zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie Ihre USPs erkennen, sich interessant machen und so die richtigen Zeichen setzen.

From Doctorate to Industry


In this webinar successful TUM Alumni present their job description and career path online and answer your questions.

Opportunities on the Munich Job Market


In this webinar, you will gain insight into opportunities in the Munich job market.

KI im Personalauswahlprozess: Was ist wichtig?


In diesem Workshop werden wir die Grundlagen der KI in der Personalauswahl beleuchten und zeigen, wie KI-Tools effektiv nutzbar sind, um den Bewerbungsprozess zu optimieren.

Interview Clinics


Nervous about job interviews? The Interview Clinics gives all participants the opportunity to learn from their peers in mock interviews.

Die Macht innerer Antreiber beim Berufseinstieg


In diesem Webinar erfahren Sie, wie innere Antreiber unser Verhalten in Drucksituationen beeinflussen und wie Sie diese gezielt für einen wertschätzenden Umgang im Berufseinstieg nutzen können.

Q&A for PhDs: Career in Industry


Around 80 percent of all doctoral students venture into the private sector after completing their doctorate. This is a big transition, so what do you have to consider here?

Der perfekte Lebenslauf


In diesem Webinar lernen Sie, wie Sie Ihr individuelles Profil gut darstellen können.

Das professionelle Bewerbungsanschreiben


Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie Ihr Anschreiben präzise und positionsbezogen formulieren können.

TUM Alumni & Career‘s New Program: Engineers for Germany


Registrations will be possible from 3 March 2025.